Beyond West and East. Discussion about Technology and Philosophy

Beyond West and East. Discussion about Technology and Philosophy

135 pages


Genre: Philosophy, Nonfiction
From technodiversity via the imagination of futures to the epistemology of capitalism

"The world is the limit and possibility of philosophy. Philosophy that tries to escape the world loses itself in rapture, but if philosophy only remains in the world, then it is a prisoner of this world." This outlines the field of tension in the thinking of Hong Kong philosopher Yuk Hui, which he expands on in the dense conversations with Milan Stürmer published here for the first time. In them, he explores the question of the pluralisation of the concept of technology, which for him is a fundamental question of philosophy in general, reflects on the possibility of science today and develops an epistemology of the unknown. In doing so, he transcends all boundaries between rational, irrational and non-rational. Yuk Hui's thinking is a departure into new worlds, and so his philosophy is always about imagining other futures. With his concept of technodiversity, he imagines a new form of coexistence and an ecology that includes technology.

German title: Jenseits von West und Ost - Gespräch über Technik und Philosophie
ISBN: 978-3-7518-3011-9
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Publication date: 22.05.2025
Series: Fröhliche Wissenschaft Vol. 197



Yuk Hui, philosopher from Hong Kong, studied Computer Engineering, Cultural Theory and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London. He has taught at the Institute of Philosophy and Art Studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg, the Chinese University of the Arts and Bauhaus University Weimar, among others. Yuk Hui is currently Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Professor at the City University of Hong Kong. Hui is the author of several books on philosophy and technology, which have been translated into numerous languages.