Migrating the Feminine

Migrating the Feminine

124 pages


Genre: Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Essay, Sociology, Politics

During a random walk through Kairo Nora Amin realizes what it means to be a women in the public sphere and what her female body represents. She gets confronted with everlasting fascination of the female body and the violence, social dominance, stereotypes, contempt and anxiety which surround it. In her passionate and political essay Nora Amin bundles thoughts on the female role in an Arabic society and connects them to topics like privacy, intimacy and bodypolitics. Combining surprisingly and sometimes traumatically experiences she made on Tahir Square and her memories from a female childhood in a western society turn, "Migrating the Feminine" prooves to be an original and intense text.

German title: Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch
ISBN: 978-3-95757-571-5
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Publication date: 2018
Series: punctum Vol. 006
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English original text available

Nora Amin is an Egyptian writer, performer, theatre director and choreographer. She is a founding member of Cairo Opera House’s Modern Dance Company, the founder and artistic director of Lamusica Independent Theatre Group, where she directed and produced 35 productions, and founder of the National Egyptian Project For Theatre Of The Oppressed and its Arab network. She is the author of the first Arabic book on theatre and human rights, and a book on theatre/storytelling and trauma healing. She is an alumni of the Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts in Washington DC, and a former guest professor at S.Fischer chair/FU and at Mount Holyoke College’s theatre department. She is the secretary general of the Egyptian Centre of The International Theatre Institute and a current fellow of the International Research Centre for Interweaving Performance Cultures.

"The book describes the Arab Spring from a female perspective. Based on personal experiences and observations, Nora Amin describes to her readers what it means to free oneself from the "prison" of the female body and to stand up for her rights as a woman." - Tina Schreck, Aviva - Online Magazine for Women

"A journey worth reading that leaves many lasting impressions. One of the most important is the realization that 'racism and sexism are two sides of the same coin'." - Gabi Horak, an.schläge