Summer Resort

Summer Resort

128 pages


Genre: Fiction, Literature, Literary Novel
"Anyone who reads Esther Kinsky's books experiences the happiness of entering into uncertainty and letting their language hold them in a light wave.” – Wiebke Poromkba

Every year, Üdülö, a vacation settlement by the river, becomes a refuge from the unbearable heat. It is a place of longing that promises relief and awakens dreams of love and freedom. Üdülö has a different meaning for everyone, but when a woman from a foreign country wants to build a new life there, confusion arises in the waves of eternal sameness. For the foreign has no chance in the eternal rhythm of the seasons; it is swept away by the next seasonal tide.

In her virtuoso first novel Summer Resort, Esther Kinsky takes the reader on a journey that leaves them changed. Her delicate and rich language becomes the eyes and skin of the reader, who believes he can see and feel the oppressive heat, the inertia of the village.

German title: Sommerfrische
ISBN: 978-3-88221-722-3
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Publication date: 2009
Print run: 2



Sample translation

Full English translation available

Esther Kinsky, born in Engelskirchen in 1956, has been awarded numerous prestigious prizes for her extensive work, which includes translations from Polish, Russian and English as well as poetry, essays and narrative prose, including the Kleist Prize and the German Prize for Nature Writing. Her novel By the River has been translated into several languages.

By the same author(s)