Fire. Flames and Embers - Sami Fire Art

Fire. Flames and Embers - Sami Fire Art

320 pages


Genre: Essay, Nonfiction, Sociology, Nature Writing, Nature

In Fire. Flames and Embers - Sami Fire Art we meet people with a deep knowledge of fire and its meaning: a knowledge that has been passed down orally for many hundreds of years. Soon, however, there will be no one left to maintain this tradition. And the less we rely on fire in our daily lives, the more the knowledge of it will be forgotten.

Yngve Ryd provides insights into the philosophy and aesthetics of fire, showing that beauty and order also belong to fire. For almost twenty years, Yngve Ryd has conducted conversations with older Sami, and he has collected more than four thousand pages of notes. The stories thus collected are representations of life from a bygone era. Very different types of fires and fuels are described in this book; from pines and spruces as fuel in the forest, to the fire high up on the bare mountain. How do you fire in snow or storms? What can you fire with when there are no trees around? Can you sleep in flames? What kind of fire produces the most heat and what fire produces the least smoke? What should you always carry in your backpack?

This volume with its numerous color photos is a practical handbook for life in the wilderness and at the same time a unique piece of cultural history.

German title: Flamme und Glut - Die Feuerkunst der Samen
ISBN: 978-3-7518-0369-4
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Publication date: 10.10.2024
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Sample translation

Original Swedish text available

German translation available

Yngve Ryd (born 1952) lives in Jokkmokk and has published numerous books on North Swedish and Sami lore.